Sunday, April 13, 2008

Post #9

I've had a day of rest since I've had fever since yesterday. But just the same, I had a great day with my family at home. Weekends have always been my favorite!

I just want my presence to be felt no matter how short this entry is. And of course, I want to end my day with thanksgiving. =)

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Here I am again, fulfilling my promise. I am really sick so I thought this is going to be short again. Anyway, I’m so glad it’s a weekend; although we missed the pediatrician’s consultation, we went to the mall and I know Raj had fun, too. You see, we’ve been sort of keeping him isolated and protected and it’s affecting his social development. But we are trying to make up.

I realized lately that Raj has developed more affinity towards his Tatay than me and being the mother, I got disturbed by the reaction. But you see, I couldn’t disagree more that Karl has demonstrated better sympathy for him than I have. Sometimes I have this tendency to shot my indifference towards anybody when I’m tired or whenever I feel like it, and I failed to make my baby an exception. You know, babies can demand a lot and I’m still trying to adapt to the behavior. It doesn’t help not having had plenty of times in the past when I offered sympathy towards people other than myself.

So that’s among the changes that I’m trying to embrace. But to tell you honestly, ever since I got married and had this baby, things have fallen into place. I have acquired the true sense of direction and commitment that I haven’t had before. My family has been my greatest blessing so far – all of them, including my parents and sister! Now I’m just so glad that I’ve got new people into my small sphere of comfort and security – Karl’s family.

Moving on, I’ve always been the person who didn’t have many friends – I’ve considered my relationships with them obligatory – if only to comply with life’s social requirement. But really, I am quite complete having my family as my sole source of support, happiness, and company. And it’s probably because I also talk to God more than I realize, hence the happiness that comes from within. Seriously.

Besides, sometimes I am aware that no matter how I try, I’m just not good at relationships with other people. I mean, they probably like me because I’m someone who seems to exhibit kindness and integrity although tends to shy away from things that upset her own reality. But I’m not here to please others, nor hurt them deliberately. I am just me and sometimes I probably have more things to write than speak that’s why I love being with myself. In fact, to this day, I could say that my family alone knows that I have a lighthearted and acutely funny side.

Everyone else I’ve considered passing acquaintances, although a few have made an exception. I dare admit that I’m not a consistently sociable person; I just reach out to others whenever the need arises or whenever I am needed. For me, little things count when I decide and want them to.

But you know what, at the end of the day, I’m just really a simple person who is not closing my door on companionships. Maybe it has been a defense mechanism of sorts or I just choose to be choosy. Whatever the case may be, I’m happy. Nothing can change nor can take that away. And I think coming to terms with one’s own reality is the most important achievement of all.


YET, you do not stop there; you only laid the groundwork for building on your unique skills to create a greater impact.

Going back to my first ever entry, although I’m happy, “I can stand to be a lot happier”. God doesn’t want us to limit our contributions thereby downsizing our level of fulfillment.

Shocks! I am amazed!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Another Great Day!

I've had a long week and I'm thankful I have survived the ordeal. There have been some things I missed out lately, like time for my baby. I am glad I have been given this chance to make up.

It's a long weekend ahead! And I'm glad we're all healthy and doing great. Life is too wonderful, really! =)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Be Positive!

I need to rest early so this is going to be really short. I have been feeling physically tired in the office because I've been sleeping late for days.

One lesson learned out of this experience is give yourself the right amount of rest, especially when you're going to have to wake up early the next day or anytime during the night to feed your baby.

Besides that, I also have some worries today. But still I did my best to keep the positive and proactive approach on things. I'll do myself good now. Thank you dear God for another wonderful blessing of a great day! =)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Time is Now!

It is once said that you should make it a religion of everyday if you’re really intent on succeeding at something. For the sole purpose of making this newfound principle work, I have to commend myself for trying to keep on track. And it’s been five days now.

Though this entry is going to be short because I don’t feel that well today (just temporarily physically), I still thank God knowing that the day has come and gone with my loved ones safe and sound. I have always been the one who says her prayers many times during the day (and, of course, closes the day in prayer). Blogging about it is just something I add to my daily habit.

For some who may have taken up the view that another day is something that naturally arrives and comes to pass, well, this is an attempt to find a day’s true worth to avoid regarding it as just “another” 24-hour episode. Everyday is a gift; let us cherish it as it comes, holding it in high esteem as if it were the last day that we are to live. That way, we go beyond our usual routine, get to accomplish more and live a life to the full. This is very positive.

Have you always wanted to grab the microphone and sing your heart out, although your voice doesn’t have that top singing quality? Planned to say “I love you” to someone but never had the guts to do so? Have always wanted to take up Master’s Degree but never found the time? What are you waiting for? Today might be your last chance to act on it, so do it NOW!

NOW is what you have; NOW might be the time you only have. Make NOW count while it lasts; make the most of NOW!

So NOW I’ll thank God for giving the best life that I could ever have! =)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Wonderful Gift

Here I am again, initially thinking that I have yet an obligation to fulfill. But the moment I sat down and began to translate my thoughts into words, in just a short while, I began to think that I have breezed through another great day – this time at the office.

My baby was already asleep when I got home. It’s okay; I still can see him and feel the sweet scent up close.

I was thinking that I shouldn’t be in so much hurry to experience a lot of things (specifically, in building close ties with my fellow mothers in the company) if the feeling is not yet right or perfect. The key to a really good life is to listen to your heart and do what you have to do or associate with whom you want to connect, free of guilt or pressure. You have to learn to creatively manage your responses while being true to your character to promote a healthier and more effective environment, whether at work or at home.

This brings me to the notion of going the extra mile. For me, even thinking about a certain plan gets me excited. And for now, the fact alone that it came across my mind makes me happy that I’ll give myself the wonderful rest that I deserve, knowing I’ve done what I needed to do today. As for going the extra mile, I’ll find out how I can improve on that. But for now, I know it in my heart that I did a great job today. And I’ll lean on that awareness.

Thank you dear God for the wonderful gift of life! =)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Great Chances

There are times when I feel obligated to close my day with an entry but it should be understood that this is a work-in-progress initiative. So do not expect sudden transformation – it’s a myth. I go through the cycle of unrest, excitement, indifference and wanting to let go of the idea altogether, but I am here to learn about patience. Maybe for a start, I should think of this task that way – a test of patience. And then later, I will be able to rise above that.

There were plans not initiated today but it’s okay. This is not, after all, an attempt to be too hard on myself, rather the opposite. I won’t be hard on myself such that I won’t waste the chances of showing what I can do better – if not best – while being fully aware that this might be the last great chance for me to do so. This is not going against the natural course of things; this came into being out of my desire to improve myself by first, learning to control my own thoughts. Turning myself into a persistently positive person will be my greatest accomplishment. Well, it’s not that I’m unhappy – it’s an attempt to find the gateway towards man’s age-old illusion: contentment. I want to come face to face with it since I believe it can happen to me.

Life has been great. I’ve been given yet another great day to spend with my loved ones (on a non-working holiday). In the morning, I spent an hour feeding my baby who’s quite choosy with his food already. The afternoon was no different; I prepared something for him although he didn’t like it much. We also went for grocery shopping – one of my favorite pastimes – at the mall.

My parents-in-law has been here since Saturday and it’s always a delightful experience when loved ones pay a visit. God has been great and has always been abrupt in helping me up just when I’ve exhausted all my skills and chances. Now, I’m trying to pay back with a focused and broader perspective.

Thank you for the great life and great chances! =)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Best Gift

There may be times that I seem to have reverted to my old self, but those are just insignificant. My husband and I have made a habit out of starting our Sundays with a trip to the market. And I enjoy every experience, I love shopping if it meant buying food that's healthy.

My dear son has been showing some difficulty in sleeping and exhibits distaste in food. But he is just going through his cycle, that is something I cannot have complete control over.

Lastly, we managed to squeeze in efforts to arrange our bedroom after dinner. It was fun, just like how I've always imagined it to be. Despite all the negative statements I threw at a particular someone today (for the monetary cheat that she did us), I've managed to keep my spirits up and for me, that's a great thing.

Thank you dear God for the best gift of another day! :)

My Second Chance at Life

This is my first entry and I’m quite excited!

We had the Kid’s Day today, an initiative by the organization in the office I am part of. We were both tired of last night’s ordeal at home that people may quickly dismiss as being “life’s realities”. But some people came along and we were caught by surprise. I know now that God quickly intervenes or even has cooked up something in anticipation of things that will occur in your life in the days to come, and how! No warning signs, whatsoever. You will understand things better once events have unfolded and you tried to put two and two together. Simply amazing!

I once came across this part of the statement, “… you can stand to be a lot happier.” If this were my last day on earth then I would truly want to be the happiest person who didn’t undermine her efforts to be the best person she can be. Most of us, myself included, are fond of saying, “If only…”, “That can wait”, “someday soon…”, “It will come in time”, “I will… ”, “so far…”, and many others in that context.

We have all the excuses in the world but the fact is, what we can control is NOW! You have to do it now or you might not be given another shot, let alone be allowed to look back.

Thus, if today is my last, I would have regretted not having done many things I’ve wanted to do. But I don’t want to end in a sad note. I’ll choose to be happy and thank God tonight for giving me the best life that I could have had. And then I resolve that from now on, I’ll live my life seizing the chances and at the end of the day, be prepared that it will be the end of my quest. And I will live a full life.

So here are the great blessings to rejoice over:
- motherhood
- marriage
- family
- friendships
- work (current and past)
- college degree
- wonderful childhood
- winning moments
- learning points

Indeed, what a great life it has been! And so I’ll end this day on my usual routine.